Driven by conscious awake People passionate about reinstating control of their inherent property from not only their ancestors, but also their own equity – the Vision & Mission of The People’s Treasuries is to redress, reinstitute, reconvey and recalibrate the People’s [Members] own inherent properties & assets back into their own privately controlled repository, permanently. 

The benefits of reconveying One’s own inherent properties & assets back under One’s own control is not only a monetary trade purpose, but also for the benefit of our future generations to not fall into the invisible traps that we did.

The People’s Cooperative Society of Equity (TPCSE) is the umbrella organization that has been driving the educational roots required for this platform to be a success.

Since early 2015, Founder, Lord David of House MacLucas realized early on that no Government on earth is going to do this for us and that the current incumbent administrational architecture provides no motivation for the Crown agents or State administrators to teach us this pivotal knowledge.

This exclusive & private Society, (TPCSE) serves as a jurisdictionally secure platform for the Members to be protected and feel safe while learning this pivotal knowledge in a community of other People in process of getting their proverbial “House in Order”. 

Like learning how to drive a car, in order to properly receive One’s inherent property and assets, One must learn how things work before they get in control of their new and special purpose vehicle.

The Society Members are encouraged to complete the primary education Courses in the Society’s private academy that teaches One how to lawfully & legally get their House in Order. The primary education Courses are based in private international law – the processes and procedures taught do “touch on his Majesty’s affairs” and are absolutely taken seriously by the Crown here on the land known as Canada. This highly refined art and science of law has been simplified and streamlined for accelerating One’s comprehension in order to do many foundational things – relevant here within this document – Members can then move onto the next level of international credit-exchanging services.

Creation & institution:

TPCSE was initially created in the tenth month of the year Two-thousand & Fifteen this common era by Memorandum of Association and subsequently executed into function via Articles of Association during the year of Two-thousand & eighteen.

‘the Body’ of the TPCSE:

The body of the TPCSE is made up of the men & women Members holding their Lord & Lady common law Titles. Currently, there are just over 400 active Members in good standing. Every year there is a General Meeting for: the Body which is guided by the: Master for the House. The Supervisory positions that make up the Supervisory Board of the Society consist of nine to twelve Members, who are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Body.

TPCSE location:

 The non-military venue in/to/for/of the TPCSE, or ‘Situs’ for the common gathering of the day to day affairs, correspondence, meetings, storage and private resolution is of the physical location referred to as: Sixty-eight-fifty, Cherry creek road of port-alberni republic on the land of nanaimo county.

Organizational structure:

The TPCSE is the master umbrella organization that “Houses” and controls all the entities and people required to make everything possible both internationally and locally through the Society’s Supervisory Board.